为了降低开发成本,缩短开发周期,提高系统性能和稳定性,本文采用嵌入式X86 CPU 和嵌入式ARM处理器上下位机的硬件结构形式。按照Linux操作系统下设备驱动程序开发的一般步骤和基本结构,采用模块化开发的基本思路,对基于ARM处理器嵌入式数控系统运动控制卡驱动程序进行优化开发,保证了嵌入式运动控制卡在Linux环境下的高可靠性工作。本文深入研究了嵌入式数控系统硬件设计、硬件选型和软件架构设计与实现。 关键字: 嵌入式X86;调度;ARM;运动控制板 Abstract: In order to reduce development costs and shorten the development cycle, improve system performance and stability, this paper use embedded X86 CPU and embedded ARM processor machine in the form of hardware.According to the structure and development step of device drive program deeply under Linux OS,with the idea of modularize,the driver of motion control card based on ARM CPU is developed,which assure the reliable work of embedded motion control card under Linux. In this paper, in-depth study of the NC embedded systems hardware design, selection of hardware and software architecture design and implementation. Keywords: Embedded X86; Scheduler; ARM; Motion control plate