本文介绍了用AT89C51 系列单片机控制音量的方法。程序用查表的方法,通过模拟串 口发送数据。作者把新产品程序中关于音源选择、屏幕驱动、遥控等内容去掉,只剩下音量控制部分的内容。电路也作了类似处理,使它能独立运行。 关键词:音量控制;汇编语言;模拟串口; M62429 Abstract: This article introduced the volume control device TDA7313 methods use of the AT89C51 Series MCU and write the program with assemble language. This program use the method of check up the table and analog serial interface transmit the data .Author got rid of the content of the sound source choice, the screen driver, remote control, was only left over the content of volume control part. The electric circuit has also made similar processing, enabled it to run independently. keyword: Volume control; Assembly language; analog serial interface; M62429