本文提出了基于.NET平台的下一代网络视频监控系统的设计方案,该方案设计的监控系统具备跨平台和终端设备无关的能力,同时还具有可重用、易扩展、易升级的优点。而我们根据方案实现的试验系统验证了方案的有效性。 关键词: .NET;视频监控;XML;SOAP;RTP/RTCP; Abstract: This article proposes a scheme of next-generation network video surveillance system, which is proved to be effective by an experimental system. A surveillance system based on this scheme is to be platform-independent and terminal device-independent besides its merit of being reusable and easy to extend and update. Key words: .NET;Video Surveillance;XML;SOAP;RTP/RTCP;