随着高校网络的发展,校园网络应用系统不断增加,这要求能够提供一个安全、可靠、 高效的口令认证系统。本文探讨了认证系统的需求,提出了一套安全可靠高效的口令认证算法,并重点介绍了统一口令认证系统设计与实现的关键技术要点。 关键词:口令;认证;认证服务器;Kerberos;RADIUS 【Abstract】With the development of Internet, network applications increasing daily, which strongly demands a more securely, reliable and efficient Password Based Authentication System. In this paper, we study the requirement of the authentication system and bring out a securely, reliable and efficient password based authentication algorithm, and emphasizes the design and key technology of the authentication system. 【Key words】Password; Authentication; Authentication Server; Kerberos; RADIUS