简要介绍了当今信息技术的发展带来的病毒感染和恶意攻击所造成的计算机硬盘的数据丢失问题。通过分析硬盘存储结构的功能及对硬盘存储数据的影响,详细论述了信息 安全应急响应系统中数据恢复技术的原理及实现方法。 关键词:应急响应 数据恢复 数据备份 分区表链 Abstract:This paper process the problem of computer hardware data losing which works in the reason of virus infecting and baleful attack. It analyses the function of the hardware memory configuration and its infection to the hardware data. And it particular discuss the elements and realization way of data recover in the system of Emergency Response. Keywords:Emergency Response, Data Recovery, Data Backup, Partition Table Chain