本文根据原油管道泄漏检测的实际要求,设计了一个基于Ethernet 的远程数据采集检 测系统。该系统将8 位MCU C8051F020 与以太网芯片连接,在MCU 上嵌入精简的TCP/IP 协议栈uIP 及实时操作系统uC/OS-II。在执行数据采集任务时,MCU 对现场采集的数据进行处理,并驱动以太网芯片将数据发送到远程在线监测系统。 关键词:MCU C8051F020,Ethernet ,监测 Abstract:Aiming at the practical requisition in oil pipeline's leakage detection, a remote data acquisition system based on the Embedded Ethernet technology is designed in this dissertation. The system achieves eight bit MCU C8051F020 connection with Ethernet chip,embedded tidy TCP/IP protocol stack uIP and Real Time Opetarion System uC/OS-II. While it carries out data acquisition, MCU disposes the data and makes Ethernet chip transmission the data to remote inspection system. Key word: MCU C8051F020,Ethernet , inspection