为了去除 DS 扩频系统的窄带干扰,本文提出利用调制重叠变换(MLT)把接收信号映射到变换域,然后应用变换域自适应滤波技术进行抗干扰处理,计算机仿真结果表明该算法可取得对抗干扰很大的阻带衰减,并且系统性能不随干扰频率和干扰带宽的变化而变化,而且能实时实现,本中讨论了实现时应注意的问题,可以预见MLT 很有希望取代传统的块变换。 关键词:调制重叠变换;扩频通信;变换域自适应技术 Abstract: In this paper, it is shown that the performance of a direct spectrum (DS/SS) receiver which incorporatesmodulated lapped transform (MLT) to excise narrowband interference is better than block transform and can beimplemented in the hardware in real time. MLT can be considered as a worthy transform in application.