
CC3000 WiFi module

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  TI continues to advance Wi-Fi technology solutions for

  the Internet of Things (IoT) with the enhancement of the

  • es-n-cass ao erormance

  self-contained SimpleLink CC3000 module. The CC3000

  – Tx Power: +18dBm, 11Mbps

  features enhanced software designed to dramatically sim – Rx Sensitivity: –88dBm, 11Mbps

  plify design and development of connected devices while

  advancing the user experience. It is an ideal solution for


  developers of health and fitness, home automation, smart

  • Pair with low MIPS, low cost MCU’s with

  metering, security and safety applications.

  comact memor footrint

  To support connected devices in the IoT, the cloud

  enabled CC3000 has multiple options for cloud solutions.

  poe or cp anenna

  One example is the Exosite IoT cloud platform, which pro•vides cloud server access for remote sensor data monitoring and control through the Internet. TI’s SimpleLink

  CC3000 users receive free service for one CC3000 device

  • Temperature range -20C to +70C

  when registering at the Exosite web site.



  • Best-in-class Radio Performance

  – Tx Power: +18dBm, 11Mbps

  s enhanced software desined to dr – Rx Sensitivity: –88dBm, 11Mbps

  • Single Power Supply 2.7V to 4.8V

  ers of health and fitness home automatio• Pair with low MIPS, low cost MCU’s with

  security and safety appliccompact memory footprint

  • FCC/IC/CE certified reference design with

  dipole or chip antenna

  ample is the Exosite IoT cl• Small form factor module

  userver access or remoe – 16.3mm x 13.5mm x 2mm

  • Temperature range -20C to +70C

  gserng ae xose SmartConfi™ technol.

CC3000 WiFi module

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