本文探讨基于燃料电池的UPS(FC-UPS)功率变换拓扑设计思路和综合方法,获得了多种燃料电池UPS 拓扑结构。针对其中一种结构,进一步分析了几个典型的功率变换电路实现方法,并通过理论和实验比较三种逆变拓扑的效率。探讨了超级电容的接入方法,用理论和实验,比较了不同的接入方法。 Abstract: This paper presents an approach to synthesizing the power electronics conversion topologies for the fuel cell UPS. Various topology structures are obtained. One structure is selected for further study. Since the inverter is critical to the utilization of the expensive fuel cell, the inverter efficiency is investigated with loss breakdown and the experiment. With regards to the energy management for fuel cell, ultra-capacitor is introduced. The connecting of the Ultra-capacitor to FC-UPS is studied and connecting approaches are compared. 关键词:燃料电池,UPS,功率变换拓扑 Keywords:Fuel cell, UPS, Ultra-capacitor