MSP430 Microcontroller Software for Handheld Fuel Gauges and Battery Authentication Products:The Texas Instruments (TI) battery management portfolio includes fuel gauges and authentication ICs for the handheld and mobile device market. To assist in the development of this market, this application note provides a set of software drivers for interfacing the one and two-cell battery management devices with the TI MSP430™ ultra-low power microcontroller. The examples provided with this application note give the user a basic functioning MCU host software for communicating with the following products: bq26100, bq26150, bq26500, bq27000, bq27010, bq27200,bq27210, bq27500, bq27505, bq27510, and bq27541. Various combinations of standard MSP430 and bq26xxx/bq27xxx Evaluation Modules (EVMs) were used as the hardware for the development of the code examples provide with this application note, giving users of these products working hardware and software reference designs to use for creating custom products.