
在单片机和基于微处理器的系统中实现USB 3

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  在单片机和基于微处理器的系统中实现USB 3

  USB是微控制器(MCU)和微处理器系统中最普遍的接口之一。然而,USB背后的技术思想更多地集中在易用性和兼容性上——换句话说,即插即用体验——而不是性能。新的USB 3标准的最后提供了一个真正的高性能总线,平顶在5 Gbit/s速率,同时保持向后兼容性和所需的即插即用功能。随着集成电路和组件滚入具有USB 3支持的市场,设计团队应该考虑为他们的项目添加新的支持,不管他们是在使用通用主机还是外围设备,或者在专业嵌入式应用程序中依赖USB。

  USB 3的情况在PC世界中是显而易见的。大多数新的PC将集成USB 3端口,现在英特尔已经在其最新的常春藤桥处理器和芯片组平台,被称为第三代英特尔核心家庭的功能。如果您在PC主机区域工作,有许多选项可以添加USB支持,我们将在不久的将来讨论。您应该考虑这种方法,即使您的处理器不支持USB 3,以及您的设计是针对它还是嵌入使用。随着越来越多的USB 3外设进入市场,这种性能可能会在路上得心应手。

  在单片机和基于微处理器的系统中实现USB 3

  If you are working on a USB 3.0 peripheral, again you should consider USB 3.0 support. That advice is especially pertinent is you are working on storage- or connectivity-oriented devices where USB performance has been a bottleneck.

  In the embedded space, USB 3.0 will also come in handy. Many embedded applications need storage devices such as traditional disk drives, or the solid-state disk drives that are surging in popularity. USB 3.0 will significantly enhance the performance of such devices at the system level. Moreover, USB 3.0 will support higher-fidelity sensing devices such as higher-resolution cameras for applications ranging from visual inspection on the factory floor to target tracking in a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)。

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