Impedance matching for wideband block 1. Relationship between return loss and BWo Return loss on Smith Chato Appearance of Narrow and Wide Band Return Losson Smith Chat 2. Impedance variation of a passive impedancematching network as one part per arm or per branch is addedo An inductor is connected with the RF block in series o A capacitor is connected with the RF block in serieso An inductor is connected with the RF block in parallelo A capacitor is connected with the RF block in parallel 3. Impedance variation of a passive impedancematching network as two parts per arm or perbranch is addedo Two parts are in series to form one arm o Two parts are in parallel to form one brancho Adjustment of impedance by LC combination in serieso Adjustment of impedance by LC combination in parallel cn 4. Required Bandwidth of IQ modulator in UWB systemo Construction of raw Gilbert cello Testing of raw Gilbert cello Impedance matching for LO, RF, and IF porto Wide Bandwidth Requiremento Basic Idea to Expand the Bandwidth 5. Evolution of impedance trace on Smith chato Example#1: Wide Band IQ modulator design for group#1 in UWBsystem, f=3168 to 4752 MHz, Δf/fo=40%o Example#2: Wide Band IQ modulator design for group#3+group#6 inUWB system, f=6336 to 8976 MHz, Δf/fo=34.48%6. Discussion of Wide-band Impedance Matching Networko Impedance matching for gate of MOS deviceo Impedance matching for gate of MOS device