The CD40174BC consists of six positive-edge triggered Dtype flip-flops; the true outputs from each flip-flop are externally available. The CD40175BC consists of four positiveedge triggered D-type flip-flops; both the true and complement outputs from each flip-flop are externally available. All flip-flops are controlled by a common clock and a common clear. Information at the D inputs meeting the set-up time requirements is transferred to the Q outputs on the positive-going edge of the clock pulse. The clearing operation, enabled by a negative pulse at Clear input, clears all Q outputs to logical “0” and Q s (CD40175BC only) to logical “1”. All inputs are protected from static discharge by diode clamps to VDD and VSS. Features Wide supply voltage range: 3V to 15V High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.) Low power TTL compatibility: fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74 LS Equivalent to MC14174B, MC14175B Equivalent to MM74C174, MM74C175