介绍了基于CPLD 的交流电机控制系统测速子系统的设计原理及自顶向下的设计方法。测速子系统应用一片复杂可编程器(CPLD)EPM7128 和VHDL 语言设计,不占用电机控制系统中主控DSP 芯片TMS320C32 的硬件资源并简化了DSP 测速软件设计。 关键词:CPLD; VHDL; DSP; 测速 Speed Measuring using CPLD in Induction Motor Control System Wenhui Pan (Electrical Engineering Institute, Northern Jiaotong University,Beijng ,100044) ABSTRAT: This paper introduces the mechanism and from-top-to-down design method of motor-speed-measuring subsystem based on CPLD. Using EPM7128 and VHDL, the subsystem works well and can reduce complexity of motor control circuit and software. KEYWORDS: CPLD; VHDL; DSP; Speed Measuring