本文提出了一种可以有效防黄,快速检测的,基于内网的分布式入侵检测模型的设计与实现。主要包括探针模块,控制台模块,非对称对比模块,防黄模块四大部分。它不仅能检测到对于局域网内的攻击与诈骗,还可以经过非对称模块,联合防黄模块,有效的对内网环境做到净化。通过控制台的控制,可以对多个网段上的探针同时进行控制,实现实时分布式的管理。 关键词:分布式入侵检测; 非对称模块; 网络安全; 远程过程调度; 防黄色网站 Dids with guarding against yellow for the distributional network Tongde-Tan[1], Xiaofeng-Xu, Guangqun-Zhai, Xinquan-Xiong (1.Information engineering of ZhengZhou University, China 450001) Abstract:This article proposed one kind may effective guard against yellow website, the fast examination, based on distributional invasion examination model design 。It mainly include the probe modules, control cabinet module, the asymmetry modules, defend yellow modules. It not only can measure to the attack and swindle in the LAN, can also be through the asymmetrical module, jointly defend yellow module, the effective one purifies computer LAN. Through the control of the control cabinet, can control the probes on a lot of network sections at the same time, realize real-time and distributed management。 Key Words :Distributed intrusion detection system;Asymmetric information module;Network security;RPC;Defend yellow website