ADE7752A are the same. Both products are referred to in the text of this data sheet as ADE7752. The part specifications surpass the accuracy requirements as quoted in the IEC62053-2x standard. The only analog circuitry used in the ADE7752 is in the analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and reference circuit. All other signal processing (such as multi- plication, filtering, and summation) is carried out in the digital domain. This approach provides superior stability and accuracy over extremes in environmental conditions and over time. The ADE7752 supplies average real power information on the low frequency outputs, F1 and F2. These logic outputs may be used to directly drive an electromechanical counter or to interface with an MCU. The CF logic output gives instanta- neous real power information. This output is intended to be used for calibration purposes. The ADE7752 includes a power supply monitoring circuit on the VDD pin. The ADE7752 remains inactive until the supply voltage on VDD reaches 4 V. If the supply falls below 4 V, no pulses are issued on F1, F2, and CF. Internal phase matching circuitry ensures that the voltage and current channels are phase matched. An internal no load threshold ensures the part does not exhibit any creep when there is no load. The ADE7752 is available in a 24-lead SOIC package