今天的工业控制,学习和掌握PLC 控制技术和变频调速技术是必须的。我们研制的这套PLC 综合控制实训装置,既能进行大量的开关自动控制,又能进行模拟量的变频调速闭环自动控制,满足了工程类学生的综合设计应用和创新研究能力的培养,增强了人才适应社会的能力。 关键词:PLC 控制器与变频器;工程素质培养;实验台系统设计;梯形图编程 The Application of PLC Controlling and the Frequency Conversion and Speed Governing in Electromechanical Training Lu Shutian ( Weifang University 261061 ) Abstract: It is necessary to learn PLC controlling and frequency conversion technology .This PLC synthetic controlling and training set satisfy the demands of synthetic design and investigation. Because it inclose a lot of switch, controlling systems and it also inclose the close-loop controlling systems of andogue variiabbblle automatically. Keywords: PLC controlling frequency conversion, engineering training, experimental desk system design, trapezoidal graph