为解决某导弹自动测试系统软件测试难度大的问题,介绍了常用提高软件可测试性的方法和DLL技术。并运用COM技术设计出该系统的组件软件,显著提高了自动测试系统软件的可测试性。 关键词:组件软件,可测试性,自动测试系统 Application of COM Technology in Improving ATS Software Testability ZHANG Jian,MENG Chen,WANG Cheng (Ordnance Engineering College,Shijiazhuang 050003,China) Abstract: In order to solve problems in testing course, we introduced some methods and DLL technoloygy. we design a software based on the COM technology for a missile weapon systems. The practices have proved that it can improve the software testability greatly. Keywords: component software, testability, ATS.