随着计算机技术及网络技术的发展和应用,设备管理系统逐渐成为企业设备状态管理 领域研究和开发的热点。本文开发了一种工业设备智能管理信息系统。本系统包括了用户信 息管理设备信息浏览及参数设置、测点参数设置、数据分析、报表等模块功能及数据库设 计以B/S 为模式的设计方法,采用ASP.NET, ADO.NET 等技术并在.NET 平台下以及C#开发环境下对该系统实现,使系统具有信息存储量大、数据传输及处理实时性、安全性等特点。 关键字: 设备管理;管理信息系统;数据库 Design of Intelligent Management Information System for the Industrial Equipments MEN Xiaoli 1, LIANG Liang 2 (1. Hulunbei’er College, Department of Computer, Neimenggu Haila’er 021008 2. Beihang University, College of Software, Beijing 100083) Abstract: As the development of the computer and network technology, the equipment management system is becoming hotter and hotter in the equipment management area. A new intelligent management information system for the industrial equipments is developed in this paper. In the design phase user info management,equipment information browse and parameter setting,measure point parameter setting, data analyze, report forms module and database design are included in. A method about B/S model was recommended, some technology such ASP.NET,ADO.NET, were used and the system was achieved in .NET platform and C Sharp in this paper. Keywords: Instruments Management; Management Information System; Database