近年来,安全电子商务协议的设计和分析逐渐成为热点。机密性、公平性等性质是衡 量电子商务协议安全与否的重要标志,也是协议能否顺利使用的重要前提。机密性和公平性是安全电子商务协议的基本性质,但可证实电子邮件协议CMP 作为电子商务协议的一种却并不满足这些性质。该文指出可证实电子邮件协议CMP 的几个缺陷,对其分析并提出了改进方案,改进后的协议满足了机密性和公平性。 关键词:安全电子商务协议;机密性;公平性;可证实电子邮件协议 Limitations and improvement of CMP XI Lin, ZHAO Dong-Ming (School of Information & Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou Henan 450052, China) Abstract: There is a growing interest in the design and analysis of electronic commerce protocols. Both confidentiality and fairness are important in electronic commerce protocols,but Certified electronic mail protocol (CMP), as a kind of electronic commerce protocol, does not have such crucial qualities. So several limitations of the CMP are pointed out and the improved measure is put forward. The improved one satisfies both confidentiality and fairness. Key words: electronic commerce protocol; confidentiality; fairness; Certified electronic mail protocol