网络工作站以其低价高效的计算环境和快速可靠的服务被人们广泛接受并应用于高 性能计算。按其用户使用类型可把网络工作站分为专用网络和非专用网络,专用工作站具有相对结构和管理简单,易于扩展等特点,非专用工作站具有充分利用计算机资源的特点,但管理较复杂。文中提出一种非专用网络计算的性能预测数学模型,它包括单个工作站系统的利用和同构机群系统的分布式服务。通过这个计算模型可从机器利用率,连续工作服务速率,并行任务分配等方面对并行任务完成时间进行预测。它为非专用网络环境的任务调度提供有价值的参考。 关键词:性能预测模型;集群计算;非专用网络系统;负载分布 abstract: The low cost and wide availability of networks of workstations have made them an attractive solution for high performance computing. According to the ownership, NOW can be divided into dedicated networks of workstations and non-dedicated networks of workstations. The structure and management are easier in dedicated NOW and is prone to expand. The non-dedicated NOW can make great use of computing resource, but the administration is not easy. A non-dedicated NOW computing performance forecast model is advanced in this paper. There are two parts―one workstation system’s utilize and the distributed service of homogeneous cluster. The computing model result in the separation of the influence of machine utilization, sequential job service rate, and parallel task allocation to the parallel task completion time. It is a useful reference for non-dedicated network environment. Key word: performance forecast model, cluster system, non-dedicated systems, workload distribution.