本文采用安全状态转移模型化的方法对现有计算机安全体系结构进行分析。在体系结构中引入引用监控器来判断主体请求是否合理。之后通过比较传统计算机体系结构与可信计算平台的相似点,阐述可信计算的原理和应用。最后对可信计算在未来发展过程中可能遇到的难点进行深入探讨。 关键词:可信计算 可信性 安全 可靠性 完整性 Abstract: This paper analyses the implementation of current Security System Structure. By giving the explanation of the newly developing subject on trusted computing, it focuses on the study of security problems' application. For further discussion, it also raises the confronting difficulties on trusted computing in the coming future. Key words:trusted computing dependability security reliability integrity