本文介绍了预付费智能卡水表的工作原理及其MPU MSP430F413 单片机和PCF8563 时钟芯片的功能及特性在水表中的应用。详细说明了利用汇编语言实现了定时1 秒钟中断功能 和实时时钟在智能卡预付费水表的应用。并给出了具体形成产品后的实验结果。 关键词: 预付费智能卡水表软时钟 PCF8563 Basic Timer1 RTC(实时时钟) 1 秒中断 Abstract: The paper introduced the principle of advance intelligent card water meter and the function and characteristic of its MPU MSP430F413 SCM and clock CMOS chip PCF8563. The paper also particularly illuminate the function of the interruption of one second and the application of RTC in advance intelligent card water meter which achieved by using assemble language. Keyword: The Advance Intelligent Card Water Meter, Soft Clock PCF8563, Basic Timer1, RTC, one Second Interruption