为使学生了解并学会使用现场总线,在市场充分调查的基础上,选用了集控制与通信 与一体的现场总线CC-Link。本文较为详细地介绍了CC-Link 的特性以及功能,同时, 更为详细地介绍了组建CC-Link 现场总线试验的目的以及组态方法。该试验室的建立可以提高电信以及自动化专业学生对现场总线的理解以及在工业生产过程中的具体应用,克服了以往现场总线课程重理论,轻实践的弊端,对现场总线的应用以及教学具有特定的意义。 关键词:CC-Link MELSECNET/H 现场总线教学 实践 Abstract:In this paper, the CC-Link field bus integrated with control and communication is selected based on a full marketing survey, so as to help students learn and grasp the use of field bus. The characteristic and function are introduced in detail in the paper, the experimental objective and configuration method of constructing CC-Link field bus are also presented more amply. The construction of the lab can improve the understanding on field bus for the students of telecom and automation, which also dispels the former field bus course’s disadvantage of emphasizing theory and neglecting practice, therefore the lab bears special significance to the application and teaching of field bus. Keywords: CC-Link MELSECNET/H field bus, teaching , practice