GSM 网络已比较成熟,覆盖范围较广,本文利用其提供的SMS(短信服务)构成了远程多点无线监测系统。给出了系统结构,工作原理,并较深入地说明了SM(短信)的特点及其在网络中的路由。本系统已投入使用,效果较好。 关键词:监测中心远程 多点 监测系统 GSM-SMS Abstract: The GSM net has been mature in technology, and has a wide coverage. This paper presents a remote radio multipoint monitoring system via GSM-SMS. Construction and work principle are shown, and nature of SM and its routing in GSM net are discussed in detail. The system has been used in the field and works smoothly. Key words: Monitoring center Remote Multipoint Monitoring system GSM-SMS