本文主要介绍了在局域网中,基于Windows 平台开发的无线信道仿真系统,在该系 统中,对MANET 无线信道中碰撞和噪声进行了模拟,同时介绍了网络拓扑变化的模拟,分析了其实现的可行性,并给出了具体的实现方法。仿真时通过实时日志的查询,可以直观地看出节点的变化和数据发送情况。 【关键词】MANET 无线信道仿真 【Abstract】In this paper,we introduce the simulation system based on the Windows system in LAN. In this system, the topology changes, collision and noise in the MANET wireless channel are simulated. We perform the feasibility analysis and realization of the system. We can see the nodes change and data transmission intuitively through real-time log. 【Keyword】MANET wireless channel simulation