介绍一种自动防盗报警系统。该系统由热释电红外传感器、电话和检控电路组成。若有人体在警戒范围内移动,红外传感器检测出信号,检控电路使电话自动拨号(如110) ,并通过其中的语言电路报告现场地址。 关键词: 热释电红外传感器; 电话; 报警; 拨号 Abstract : A automatic alarm system against theft is introduced. It is constituted with pyroeletric infrared sensor , telephone and detecting circuit . As moving body appears in the alarm area ,signals detected with pyroeletric in2 frared sensor make the telephone digitize numbers automatically (for example 110) and address of alarm is re2 ported by linguistic circuit . Key words : pyroeletric infrared sensor ; telephone ; alarm; digitize numbers