The Intel MCS 51 microcontroller is one of the most widely used 8-bit microcontroller in the world. Many applications today require a high performance 8-bit microcontrollers with more addressing space, register-based instructions, larger internal data RAM, more stack space and effective high level language programming. The next generation Intel MCS 251 microcontroller is designed to fulfill the high performance applications requirements and provide a natural upgrade path for the MCS 51 microcontroller. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 USING CONFIGURATION BYTES...7 3.0 CODE COMPATIBILITY.... 14 4.0 WAIT STATE GENERATION 15 5.0 EXTENDED STACK ... 16 6.0 TIMING LOOP/SEQUENCE CONSIDERATION .. 17 7.0 EXTERNAL MEMORY ACCESS .... 20 8.0 ACCESS TIME FOR I/O PORT .. 23 9.0 INTERRUPT LATENCY. 25 10.0 EXTENDED MEMORY SPACE 27 11.0 PAGE MODE DESIGN.. 29 12.0 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES... 32