本文介绍了HJ-1-C 卫星地面快视处理系统中方位向预滤波器的研制,该预滤波器采用了自行设计的、基于TMS320C6415 的高速信号处理板,优化的软件设计保证了硬件资源的高效利用。本文对方位向预滤波处理的实现原理、硬件结构、软件设计进行了详细介绍。试验测试结果表明该预滤波器设计是成功的。 【关键词】合成孔径雷达方位向预滤波 TMS320C6415 Abstract: This paper describes the development of azimuth pre-filter for HJ-1-C SAR Real-time Imager. The hardware is customized based on a high-speed DSP TMS320C6415.Elaborate software ensures efficient utilization of hardware. The principle architecture, hardware implementation and software design are presented in this paper in details. Experimental results indicate the development is successful. Key word: SAR Azimuth Pre-Filter TMS320C6415