This Application Note shows how the capture/compare units of the C504, C508, C868, and C164CI can be used to implement space vector modulation for three-phase voltage control inverter applications. Space vector modulation is widely considered to be superior to other forms of sinusoidal PWM. A simple algorithm for overmodulation is also demonstrated. 1 Introduction..3 2 Sinusoidal Voltage Generation and Capture/Compare Units ...5 3 Methods of Generating Sinusoidal Voltages7 3.1 Sinusoidally Weighted PWM (SWPWM)7 3.2 Space Vector Modulation (SVM).9 3.3 Overmodulation ..17 4 Microcontroller Implementation of SVM .19 4.1 Variable Scaling/Resolution and Optimized Software Structure 20 4.2 SVM Implementation Options ...23 4.3 Results and Conclusions 24 Appendix .28 A SVM.a51...28 B .39 C .42