根据农业生产特点, 以“成本低、高品化、微型化、低功耗、长寿命、高可靠性”为原则, 研制了集4 参数(温度、湿度、光照和雨量) 为一体的全数字农业环境数据采集系统。该系统选用全数字传感器,并附加有通信接口, 能多点测量温度、湿度和光照, 性能可靠, 误差小。 关 键 词: AT89C51 ; 通信; 传感器 Abstract : According to the characters of agriculture that are the low investment , miniaturizing , low ex2 hausting , high reliability , and long life , the authors develop the digital data collection system of agri2 culture environment information , which integrates the parameters such as temperature , humidity , and illumination. It adopts direct at digital transducers and has communication interface. It can measure temperature , humidity and illumination of diferent sites with high accuracy and discrimination. Key words : AT89C51 ; communication ; sensor