本文分析了传统名称策略在本体映射中的不足。针对此问题,提出了一种新的基于WordNet 名称策略算法,该算法实现名称核心词汇的WordNet 定位用以消除词义模糊性,从而提高词相似度计算的精确度,并在词相似度合并中采用C-C 原则,改善传统词相似度合并的盲目性。实验结果显示,该算法在保证查全率的同时有效的提高了查准率。 关键词:本体;映射;名称策略 Abstract: This paper analyzes the main drawbacks of traditional name-based strategies for ontology mapping. To solve the problems of name-based strategies, a new solution based on WordNet is proposed. This solution maps core words of a concept to the WordNet to eliminate word ambiguity, using this approach will improve the accuracy of similarity calculation between words, and a C-C principle is adopted to solve the blindness problem which usually exists when combining similarity value between words. Experiment results show that this algorithm efficiently improves the precision while maintaining recall. Key words: ontology; mapping; name strategy