研究模糊逻辑在战场声ö地震动目标检测和识别中的有效算法Z 应用模糊集理论与模糊逻辑推理方法, 在分析目标信息不确定性的基础上设计了适用于目标检测和分类的隶属函数, 建立了相应的推理规则, 构成了战场侦察传感器系统目标检测和分类的模糊逻辑推理系统Z 典型战场目标信号样本检验表明, 该方法具有良好的检测和识别分类效果, 利用基于模糊逻辑的分类器实现对战场声ö地震动目标的检测和识别分类是可行的Z 关键词: 战场侦察传感器系统; 目标识别; 模糊逻辑 Abstract: Exp lo res the effect iveness of detect ion and classif icat ion acco rding to the characterist ics of acou st ic and seism ic signal of bat t lef ield target s, based on the fuzzy set theo ry and fuzzy logic reason ing m ethod by analyzing the info rm at ion uncertain ty of target signal, the m em bersh ip funct ion s su ited fo r target detect ion and target iden t if icat ion are con st ructed, and fuzzy reason ing ru les are p ropo sed. A fuzzy logic reason ing system fo r bat t lef ield su rveillance is set up to detect and iden t ify the target s. It is demon st rated that the fuzzy logic has h igher co rrect detect ion and iden t if icat ion rates fo r acou st ic and seism ic signals of bat t lef ield target s acco rding to target signal samp le experim en t s, and the cassif ier u sing fuzzy logic is su itab le fo r the detect ion and classif icat ion of bat t lef ield target s. Key words: sen so r system fo r bat t lef ield su rveillance; target iden t if icat ion; fuzzy logic