基于单片机P IC16F877 设计成功了某型飞机的迎、侧角自动检测系统, 实现了迎、侧角检测的自动化。文章讲解了检测系统的设计思想和基本工作原理, 给出了控制系统的基本硬件电路图。 关键词: 传感器, 步进电机, P IC, AöD 转换 【Abstract】 F lying A ngle A u tom at ic Detect ion System of a certain type of aircraf t based on P IC16F877 is designed successfu lly. The design though t and basic operat ion p rin2 cip le are discu ssed. The basic hardw are circu it diagram of con t ro l system is also p resen ted. Keywords: sen sor, stepper motor, Per iphera l In terface Con troller, AöD convers ion