研制的肼类推进剂多通道监测系统以电化学传感器为核心,与主机共同组成监测系统,检测浓度范围为0~10 - 6 。系统具有本安防爆、精度高、稳定性好、传输距离远等特点,能够对推进剂作业场所中多个点位肼类浓度进行在线连续监测。 关键词 肼类推进剂;电化学传感器;监测系统 Abstract A multiple2channel monitoring systemfor propellant of hydrazine compounds are developed and evaluat2 ed ,including the electrochemical sensors and the main controller. The systemis designed for hydrazine compounds detec2 tion of 10 - 6 level in real time. The system can monitor hydrazine compounds from 8 channels simultaneously with the electrochemical sensors distributed at different points of the work areas. Key words Propellant of hydrazine compounds ;electrochemical sensor ;monitoring system