提出了基于B/S 和C/S 组合结构的七号信令网络监测管理软件系统体系结构。这种结 构是典型的三层体系结构:客户显示层、中间业务逻辑层以及数据层,同时对每层中涉及到的相关技术进行了阐述,并给出了具体的实现方法。 关键词:网络监测管理、软件体系结构、B/S、C/S、XML Abstract:This paper proposes the architecture of the No.7 signaling network monitoring and management software based on B/S and C/S structures. This kind of architecture is typical three layer structures, namely, client presentation layer, middle service logic layer and storage layer, at the same time, related technology involved at every layer is discussed and gives concrete method. Key words:Network Monitoring and Management; Software architecture; B/S; C/S; XML