目前,国内军用飞机制造企业正面临从研制到批产的转型,本文以此为背景,分析了 企业内部生产组织形式的特点及需求,讨论了计划管理系统研究的必要性,建立了计划管理系统的功能模型和基于三层C/S 模式的分布式计划管理系统的体系结构,阐述了各个层次的功能及相关实现技术。最后,将该系统运用到了国内某飞机制造企业,取得了较好的效果。 关键词:计划管理;三层 C/S 模式;CORBA;连接池;存储过程 Abstract:At present,the aviation manufacturing enterprises in our country are facing with the transformation from product’s research to product’s batch production.At this background,this paper analyzed the characteristic and requirement in production’s organizing,discussed the research’s necessity of production planning management system, built the function model of production planning management system, and constructed the distributed system’s structure based on 3-layer’s C/S model,describing each layer’s founction and correlative technologies. Finally,the system is applicated in a aviation manufacturing enterprises,and achieved good results. Key words: planning management; 3-layer’s C/S model;corba;connection pool ;stored procedure