本文通过软件项目管理的工作方式现状的分析,提出了开发工时统计系统(Man-Hour System 简称MHS)的必要性和紧迫性,建立了基于Web 的工时统计系统。在研究的基础上, 提出了在Microsoft.Net 平台进行工时统计系统的开发的方案。系统的主要功能有工时管理、工时查询、工时统计、权限管理等。本文介绍了整个系统的实施过程,从需求分析,详细设计,到系统实现的每个环节都给以了较为详尽的阐述。 关键字:工时管理系统; Microsoft.NET; 模块设计 Abstract: Through analyzing the current software project management process for software development house, a Man-Hour system (MHS) on Web based to improve the project management level was proposed and developed. Based upon the requirement analysis, a developing plan on Microsoft .Net framework was proposed. The main functions of the system are man-hour data entry, data enquiry, statistical report etc. All the stages of software engineering for developing this system were discussed and explained in full. Three layer data structure was employed in the system. Namely, they are presentation layer, function layer and data layer. Keywords: Man-Hour Management System; Microsoft .Net; Module Design