主体机车信号记录器数据对于铁路电务部门进行设备维修、故障定位及保障铁路运输安全都有十分重要的意义。本文采用流行的B/S 网络结构模式,研究了机车信号数据管理网络的总体结构,功能以及安全性设计 关键词: 机车信号数据管理网络; B/S 结构模式;主体机车信号;记录器 Abstract: The data of the subjective cab signal recorder is very important for the department of the railway electronics service to maintain the equipments, locate the malfunction and ensure the security of railage. Adopting popular the B/S network structure mode, this paper focuses on researching the general structure, function and security design of Cab Signal Data Management Network(CSDMN). key words:CSDMN; B/S structure mode; the subjective cab signal; recorder