本文探讨了一种用于工业测控系统的单片机软硬件综合设计方法——软硬件平台技术,重点阐述了其基本原理、设计思想、实现方法,并给出了一个单片机测控系统软硬件开发平台的雏形。 关键词:单片机, 测控系统,硬件平台,软件平台 Abstract: In this paper we discuss a multiple design method based on the software and hardware of single-chip computer in industrial observe and control system---software and hardware platform technology. We explain in the essay the basic theory .The idea of design and the way of application .We also give an original model of software and hardware development platform of single-chip computer observe and control system. Keywords: sing-chip computer ; observe and control system ; hardware platform ; software platform.