为了解决基于DSP 视频监控系统的数据采集问题,本系统采用了视频专用解码A/D 芯片和复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD进行控制和接口设计,有效地实现视频信号的采集与读取的高速并行性,提高了电路的可靠性高,简化了电路设计过程,使整个系统的设计增加柔韧性。 关键词:视频 采集 DSP 同步 Abstract To solve the data sampling problem based on DSP video supervisory system, this system has adopted the special video decode A/D chip and complex programming logic device CPLD implement control and interface design, the reliability that realizes the high speed parallelness of sampling and reading to take of video signal efficiently and has raised circuit is high, have simplified circuit design process, make the design of entire system increase flexibility. Keywords Video, Sampling, DSP, Synchronization