本文介绍了PIC16F87 系列单片机和PC104 工控机的串行通信口的结构和工作原理, 并列出了软件和硬件的实现方法。该方法已经成功的运用于几种智能仪器的串行通信中,具有很强的可靠性和实用价值。 关键词:PIC 单片机;PC104 工控机;串行通信;中断 Abstract : This paper describes the structure and work mechanism of PIC16F87X and PC104 serial port ,and proposed method of realizing for software and hardware. This method had been successfully realized the serial communication between kinds of measurement device, and proved to be strong reliability. Key words: PIC microcontroller ;PC104 industry control computer;serial communication; interrupt