基于等间距磁晶格应变检测的基本原理,设计了信号检测和波形转换电路,将对应变的检测转化成为对时间量的计测,并且推导了时间量与构件应变之间的数学表达式。以8051 单片机为核心,研究了应变检测系统的数据采集以及和上位机的通讯方法。利用PC 机完成对检测结果的显示、存储、打印等功能。整个应变检测系统实现了以非接触的方式对机械构件应变进行实时的在线检测。 关键词:等间距磁晶格 应变检测 单片机 Abstract:The electrocircuit of signal processing and conversion of obtained wave are designed based on equispaced magnetic field of strain detection. The detection of strain of mechanical component is converting to the calculation of total time of the obtained wave. And the calculation formula between the measured time and the stain of component is given. The method of data acquisition and communication with PC are studied based on 8051 microcontroller. The function of display, save and print is accomplished. The on-line strain detection of mechanical component is implemented by non-contact way. Key Words: equispaced magnetic field, strain detection, microcontroller