针对政府投资项目在线评审中的安全问题,利用基于身份的密码体制,提出了一个新 的基于身份的短数字签名方案。该方案与同类方案比较具有运算时间短,系统开销小的优点。另外还提出了将专家系统与可信第三方结合设计的思路。分析表明,该签名方案是安全有效的,适合在在线评审系统中使用。 关键词:基于身份的密码体制;电子政务;数字签名;椭圆曲线 Abstract: According to the security problem in evaluating projects system, a new scheme of shot signature is proposed based on Identity-based cryptography. The scheme has better performance compare with some related ones. And a design of integrate trusted third party with specialist management system is proposed also. It is indicated that the scheme is secure, efficient and suitable for use in evaluating projects system by analysis. Key words: Identity-based cryptography; E-government; Digital signature; Elliptic curve