The AD7656-1/AD7657-1/AD7658-11 are reduced decoupling pin- and software-compatible versions of AD7656/AD7657/AD7658. The AD7656-1/AD7657-1/AD7658-1 devices contain six 16-/ 14-/12-bit, fast, low power successive approximation ADCs in a package designed on the iCMOS® process (industrial CMOS). iCMOS is a process combining high voltage silicon with submicron CMOS and complementary bipolar technologies. It enables the development of a wide range of high performance analog ICs capable of 33 V operation in a footprint that no previous generation of high voltage parts could achieve. Unlike analog ICs using conven-tional CMOS processes, iCMOS components can accept bipolar input signals while providing increased performance, which dramatically reduces power consumption and package size. The AD7656-1/AD7657-1/AD7658-1 feature throughput rates of up to 250 kSPS. The parts contain low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifiers that can handle input frequencies up to 4.5 MHz.