
Miniaturization Trends in Wireless

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  Miniaturization Trends in Wireless

  本文着眼于不同的趋势,减少无线系统的大小和功耗的例子,从德克萨斯仪器,赫和石灰微系统。从数字基带到高度集成的RF CMOS技术和新材料,以减少功率放大器和无线功率器件的大小,在无线小型化的驱动有许多复杂的工程权衡。组件设计也起着关键的趋势,与可重构无线设备集成更多的系统组件,以减少系统板的整体尺寸。

  不断增长的连接世界的需求正在推动无线系统变得越来越小。能够适应无线链接到牙刷,甚至是一对骰子,是越来越多的移动到物联网(物联网)和空间的一部分,是一个关键的设计标准。然而,有许多不同的优化在无线系统中的小型化。短距离,低功耗无线收发器受益于CMOS制造技术与晶圆代工供应商,包括积极进取的过程节点28纳米和20纳米射频库的缩放。这些过程允许收发器,在2.4 GHz的Wi-Fi或蓝牙,被集成在相同的芯片作为基带MAC协议处理器,因此提供高性能的无线链路在几平方毫米。

  Miniaturization Trends in Wireless

  For example, the CC3100 from Texas Instruments is a Wi-Fi network processor subsystem in a 9 x 9 mm QFN package. Alongside a dedicated ARM MCU that completely offloads the host MCU, the device includes an 802.11 b/g/n radio, baseband, and MAC with a crypto engine for fast, secure Internet connections with 256-bit encryption. All this reduces the footprint of a Wi-Fi node for the IoT, and the CC3100 supports Station, Access Point and Wi-Fi Direct modes along with embedded TCP/IP and TLS/SSL stacks, HTTP server and multiple Internet protocols.

  The miniaturization is enhanced with an integrated power management subsystem that includes integrated DC-DC converters supporting a wide range of supply voltages. This enables low-power consumption modes, such as ‘the hibernate’ with RTC mode requiring about 4 µA of current and also removes the need for external power management devices that occupy additional board space.

  The CC3100 device can connect to any 8, 16, or 32-bit MCU over the SPI or UART Interface and the device driver minimizes the host memory footprint requirements requiring less than 7 KB of code memory and just 700 bytes of RAM for a TCP client application, reducing the need for external memory.

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