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  The AD8113 is a fully buffered crosspoint switch matrix that operates on ±12 V for audio applications and ±5 V for video applications. It offers a –3 dB signal bandwidth greater than 60 MHz and channel switch times of less than 60 ns with 0.1% settling for use in both analog and digital audio. The AD8113 operated at 20 kHz has crosstalk performance of –83 dB and isolation of 90 dB. In addition, ground/power pins surround all inputs and outputs to provide extra shielding for operation in the most demanding audio routing applications. The differential gain and differential phase of better than 0.1% and 0.1°, respectively, along with 0.1 dB flatness out to 10 MHz, make the AD8113 suitable for many video applications. The AD8113 includes 16 independent output buffers that can be placed into a disabled state for paralleling crosspoint outputs so that off channel loading is minimized. The AD8113 has a gain of +2. It operates on voltage supplies of ±5 V or ±12 V while consuming only 34 mA or 31 mA of current, respectively. The channel switching is performed via a serial digital control (which can accommodate daisy-chaining of several devices) or via a parallel control, allowing updating of an individual output without reprogramming the entire array. The AD8113 is packaged in a 100-lead LQFP and is available over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.

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