一种提高效率和减小电压纹波的电荷泵:提出了一种经稳压后的电荷泵架构,通过改进传统四相位电荷泵的输出级使效率提高了5%,通过改进传统的控制时钟方案使输出电压纹波降低了38%,已在和舰0.18μm 三阱 CMOS 工艺中得到实现。 关键词 电荷泵,效率,稳压,纹波 Abstract:A regulated charge pump circuit is realized in the HEJIAN 0.18um triple-well CMOS technology. The power efficiency is increased by changing the output stage architecture of the four phase charge pump. A low-ripple output voltage is obtained based on improving the conventional clock blocking scheme. Keywords:charge pump, power efficiency, regulator, voltage ripple