改善轴向静压系数对提高汽车风洞实验段流场品质具有重要意义。实验与数值模拟均发现,增加收集口角度或增加收集口喉部间隙都能有效改善汽车风洞实验段轴向静压系数,而且收集口角度越大或喉部间隙越大,轴向静压系数改善效果越明显。另外,实验还比较了单独增加收集口角度、收集口喉部间隙以及收集口角度和喉部间隙组合后对轴向静压系数的影响,旨在为全尺寸汽车风洞改善轴向静压系数提供依据。 关键词:汽车风洞;轴向静压系数;收集口角度;收集口喉部间隙 Abstract: The flow quality of automotive wind tunnel test section can be improved by decreasing the axial static pressure coefficient. Both test results and numerical results show that the axial static pressure coefficient can be improved by increasing the collector angle or increasing gap of collector throat, and their effects become more and more obvious with larger collector angle and larger gap of collector throat. In addition, the influence of the axial static pressure by only increasing the collector angle or only increasing the gap of collector throat, and increasing both of them are compared. These findings can help to improve the axial static pressure of full scale automotive wind tunnel.