LM113/LM313 Reference Diode General Description The LM113/LM313 are temperature compensated, low voltage reference diodes. They feature extremely-tight regulation over a wide range of operating currents in addition to an unusually-low breakdown voltage and good temperature stability. The diodes are synthesized using transistors and resistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. As such, they have the same low noise and long term stability as modern IC op amps. Further, output voltage of the reference depends only on highly-predictable properties of components in the IC; so they can be manufactured and supplied to tight tolerances. Features Y Low breakdown voltage: 1.220V Y Dynamic impedance of 0.3X from 500 mA to 20 mA Y Temperature stability typically 1% overb55§C to 125§C range (LM113), 0§C to 70§C (LM313) Y Tight tolerance: g5%, g2% or g1% The characteristics of this reference recommend it for use in bias-regulation circuitry, in low-voltage power supplies or in battery powered equipment. The fact that the breakdown voltage is equal to a physical property of siliconÐthe energy- band gap voltageÐmakes it useful for many temperature- compensation and temperature-measurement functions.